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I hadn't meant to fuck my wife's yoga instructor, but it just kind of happened. I had stopped by about 30 minutes before that class started, to drop off a...
LORI - A NEIGHBOR'S DELIGHT - CHAPTER 14 By Kacey1999 Email kcdouglas1999@yahoo.com Please send your comments and suggestions as the feedback is always appreciated. This story is written at the...
Spike slammed his locker shut, somehow more furious than exhausted. Fucking asshole! He thrust his arms through the straps of his worn backpack and marched out of the dingy locker...
New York City was abandoned twenty-five years before it had become an Outlaw Zone; a quarantined city controlled by The Mara Salvatrucha Mafia (MS-13). Legal citizens live in the underground...
I get a lot of odd jobs, handyman type stuff from several different people, most often from someone who owns a house that he rents out, usually to college students....
I am a straight guy, but for years I've had an obsession with shemales. I've never been able to get them out of my head, but I've also never met...
My name is Mairi, pronounced 'Marry' and later shortened again to 'Mary' and grew up in the North of Scotland. I was considered quite a handful at school, punishment was...
Raquel is a 34 yo Spanish woman. She has been married for 16 years now while her husband is 40, having sterility problems due to a congenital reproductive system disorder...
Hi, my name is Ana -Spanish- and I'm 20 now. I never imagined I'd have such liberal, generous behavior without prejudices; not narrow-mindedness, I had no fear or doubt, and...
LORI - A NEIGHBOR'S DELIGHT - CHAPTER 13 By Kacey1999 Email kcdouglas1999@yahoo.com Please send your comments and suggestions as the feedback is always appreciated. This story is written at the...
I thought he would earn passing grade if I ever got wide open for hard stuffing. I figured out he was getting an impressive sight of a brown big ass,...
Over dressed? Mary felt way over dressed. She had on a gorgeous yellow dress that was a bit too tight and maybe a little too short. She had decided to...
Maria had begun to experiment something new with this sugar daddy, dog-tired though, for so much fucking! She was now a new baby, happy, full of joy, oh, her pussy...
THE ARGUMENT.    After an argument with her husband Glenda got in the car and went for a drive. She went to a parking spot called Skye where you can sit...
It was a beautiful night in October, a night full of cool chills blowing on the wind, a night that possessed the scent of passion and mystery. I could smell...
LORI - A NEIGHBOR'S DELIGHT - CHAPTER 12 By Kacey1999 Email kcdouglas1999 at yahoo dot com Please send your comments and suggestions as the feedback is always appreciated. This story...
“AAAAHHH, god I’m going to come, oohh yes your hot sucking mouth feels like hot melting butter being poured over my dick, aaaahhhh”. It was one of many mornings that...
WE TAKE A LOOK AT DOGGING.    We looked at dogging sites on the internet and decided to try to find one in Australia. It would be good to see what...
"Carols Hotel Experience" By: Eeric Blog: abmwmw.blogspot.com *** My name is Carol and I'm married to David since 10 years back. We have quite a nice life together. David has...
"Elisabeth" By: Eeric Blog: abmwmw.blogspot.com *** My name is John and I go to the West college, it's a rather small college. My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same...