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Author: CyberAge Ted's mind wandered back to the first time he had had two women at one time. He had told a friend of his named Cindy about his Fantasy...
bySmartNSexy© I have a hobby. I am a 33 year old woman with a figure 38DD - 24 - 36 with long auburn hair and long legs with a height...
If you’ve read “I Have a Hobby”, you know about my initial encounter with Jim, but that is not the whole story and this chapter will help fill in some...
by SmartNSexyThing After Jim fucked me over the couch with both of us coming he slapped my ass and said "Strip for me right here and go up and wait...
by SmartNSexy It was a little over a month into my husband Howard's new job when Jim called me during the day. "Hey, baby, I'm coming over this afternoon. Howard...
Since I was at high school, when I first noticed the boys all trying to see up my skirt and get a glimpse of my knickers, it has been a...
Four Decembers ago, my wife and I had to fly to Montreal for a business trip. We were the last plane to land due to a snow storm shutting down...
Excerpts from the novel TOMORROW’S WORLD by Steve Nelson  TOMORROW’S WORLD is an erotic Science Fiction novel by Steve Nelson. A man from the 20th Century awakens from a high...
What a day. Tara thought as she poured herself a hot cup of coffee and headed for the living room sofa. She had just showered and wore only her thin...
Ok........Imagine I'm in Christchurch on business, I've just been in the hotel gym for a hot, sweaty workout. I take a shower, dry myself off and really fancy a few...
Jessa worked her hoe around the small tomato plants, gently uprooting and pulling away any grass and weeds that had sprung up around them. She was working alongside about ten...
There's no telling what kind of trouble gambling can get you into. Even the mildest of flutters can end up with quite unexpected consequences: truth to tell though, it was...
Too young "But I'm so small," she cried. "and you're so big. What if you hurt me?"   "I won't," he replied, trying to comfort the nervous young teenager straddling...
I was walking past the security checkpoint in my apartment block's underground car park when I was stopped by the guard inside the cubicle. In fact he'd come out the...
Unidentified voice: "It's too late to try fighting us off, Julie. You should have thought first before opening your door to a guy who happens to be wearing a courier's...