Free Cheating sex stories archive

Lisa was what they call a prima dona. She gets her nails done every two weeks like clockwork, won't go out without her makeup on, always dresses in the latest...
My Birthday treat…… It was my 35th birthday, and my wife Mary had promised me a night out on the town. While I was on the golf course with her...
Raven Todd was nervous. She licked her lips to wet them as she slid on her tight pink bikini. All those hours of working out had paid off; her thighs...
My lovely wife Payal wanted to go on a trakking trip with some of her colleagues. Though she is touching 40 she still has a great body and figure. She...
One day my wife Nimmy and me were returning from a party. It was being the month of October,the climate outside was quite pleasant. It was about 11 pm and...
I was driving home from work in my boyfriend's convertible. The weather was excruciatingly hot & I had the top down - wind blowing through my medium blonde hair which...
I guess I’ll be straight and to the point. My wife, April, is a total nymphomaniac. She has a constant craving for new and different cock, and she wants to...
"Decide what you want?" my husband, Jim, asked in a way that made it clear I didn't have to go through with it. We were sitting in a bar next...
Samantha always turned me on with her sandy blond hair and curvy thighs. It amazed me that her husband John couldn't see the beauty in her green eyes that only...
My boyfriend Ted started out as a good guy, but eventually took me for granted. He cared more about drinking and hanging out with the guys than about spending any...
My name is Barry Snow, and as you probably already know my wife April is a total nymphomaniac. She just can’t get enough different cocks, and she is always on...
Carrie Sherman stood at the sink, running cool water over a clean dishtowel. She wrung it out with slim fingers then placed the cloth under her blonde hair against her...
This is a story about my lovely and sexy wife Payal. She is 35 and has got full and voluptuous figure. She has a figure of 36-DD, 29,35. She loves...
When I was in college, I had a few lesbian experiences with my roommate. I never told my live-in boyfriend about it, because I didn't know how he would react....
It happened at a Christmas Party a couple of years ago. Up until then I had been faithfully married to Richard for ten years and we had two wonderful children.That...
   Amy glanced across the room and gave a little shy smile before averting her eyes from the four men who were watching her. She knew that they had taken an...
When I was in college, I shared an apartment with a friend of mine. As the year went on, we had several disagreements over petty things. I asked her to...
“AAAAHHH, god I’m going to come, oohh yes your hot sucking mouth feels like hot melting butter being poured over my dick, aaaahhhh”. It was one of many mornings that...
CHEATING I am totally in love with my husband. We are very compatible. He is very smart and very aggressive at work. He has been a great provider. He is...