The Interview

“Why, thanks, Jim.”

“Now, wait a second, Howie.  We are formal around here so it’s Mr. Stevens to you, at least while you’ve on probation!”

“Oh, sorry Mr. Stevens!”

“THAT’S better.  Now show up here bright and early tomorrow and be prepared to burn the midnight oil, Howie.  Sorry, but you’ve got a lot to prove here!”

With that he shook Howard’s hand then turned to me.

very pleased to meet you, Crystal.  We’ll have to all get together and get to know each other better!” he said, bending to kiss me full on the lips.

Howard was pretty quiet heading home.  I knew he was jealous and suspscious but would not let himself ask.

“Don’t worry, honey, his looks are not threatening to our relationship.  Relax, I think I’ll be an asset to your career there.”

He didn’t know the half of it.

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