Insecurity check

His hands pulled off my shoulder straps and dropped the night dress around my waist. Now I had nothing on above my waist except my bra and he looked at me carefully, his eyes shifting from side to side.

“Tell you what, Kelly, how about I call you a professional dealer in market driven female companionship? Does that sound better?”

“You seem like a kind of an unusual guy to be a security guard, Danny.”

“Ah, that’s because I’m really a writer. I only do the security guard work to make survival money. And because it gives me a chance sometimes to get into a situation like this to suck people dry.”

My stomach churned over with bile: “So you are a blackmailer, after all.”

He sat up, reached around behind my back and unhooked the bra.

“Sure, I’m a blackmailer, but not for money. That’s not a writer’s currency. I want to know about you, everything about you. Your life, your lovers, your experiences, what you’ve learnt, what you’ve been told — most importantly, what you feel. That’s what I mean by sucking people dry. A good writer is a vampire: we swallow your life’s blood and spit out it as ink on pages.”

“That’s the reason you’re taking my bra off, is it? So you can talk to me?”

“No, it’s because I’m going to fuck you. After that we talk.”

“It sounds as if being a writer is a good job — for a guy, anyway.”

Danny laughed: “There’s no such thing as good and bad for us. That’s a real life thing — we’re only the reflections in a mirror. Writers don’t really exist: we’re just figments of our own imagination.”

He was weird — really weird.

“So you don’t believe you’re real, right?”

“Oh, we play our roles in the story. The difference between us and everybody else is that we know it’s only a story and we know when the time has come to write ‘The End’ on the bottom of the page. Then we do a Hemingway, because one thing that can really spoil a good story is leaving a burnt out character in it with nothing left to say.”

Like I said, weird. I unzipped his pants and opened them.

“So what happened to this guy Hemingway?”

“He shot himself.”

I squeezed his big stiff cock between my fingers and rubbed it up and down. Danny sighed with pleasure.

“Are you quite sure this isn’t really happening?” I asked him.

“Well, I guess it feels as if it’s happening. Do it again and I’ll try to make my mind up about it.”

“OK, concentrate very hard and see if you can spot the difference between shooting yourself and having somebody else shoot you off.”

“You don’t believe in metaphysics do you, Kelly? If I’m not sure I’m really here, how do you know I’m here?”

“Well, if you’re not here, I hope to hell nobody is taping this because I’d look very fucking stupid doing it on my own.”

“Yeah, I suppose. Tell you what, why don’t you reassure both of by us by giving my cock a little lick?”

“I’d better do something, Danny. You’re the most insecure security man I’ve ever met.”

I bent over and dabbed the top of his cock with my tongue. If Danny was telling the truth about not wanting any money things weren’t so bad at all. All I had to do was to let him screw me and talk to him for a while. In fact he sounded like the sort of guy who had a real problem finding anybody to listen to him. His hand ran along my leg as he gave out a little groan of pleasure.

“What do you think, Danny, am I here after all?”

“If you’re not, I’m having a real cool dream. How about hauling my pants off for me?”


I knelt down at the side of the bed, unlaced his shoes, took them off and then his socks. Nice and slowly, of course.

“If you want to write something about me, Danny, remember this part. This is what guys pay for. The sex they can get at home, it’s the male master and obedient slave girl routine they really want.”

“So you get paid for doing what you’re told?”

“Don’t we all?”

I put one knee on top of the bed and began to slide his pants along his legs. Danny’s face was full of mischief: “Testing, testing, testing — suck my cock, slave girl.”

I did as he wanted, taking it deep into my mouth and working on it with my lips: “Wheee … ” Danny sighed. Then I lifted my head up again and resumed the job of taking off my pants. He didn’t stop me again, not even when I took time to drape them carefully across the back of a chair. His eyes were fastened on me though as I slipped off my nightdress and put it on the chair as well. Then I stepped slowly back to the bed and snapped the waistband of my panties.

“Do you want to help me out of these, Danny?”

“No way. The master doesn’t do any of the work. You sit at the end of the bed and I’ll watch you taking them off for me.”

I leaned back against the pillows with my knees up in front of me and began to wriggle out of my panties. “Hey, Danny are there any other women in this block you’ve persuaded into doing this for you?”

His fingers gently stroked the length of his cock: “You wouldn’t believe the inspiration I’ve found in this building. More than I’ll ever be able to write down, I guess.”

“So all of us naughty girls are going to end up in a book?”

“Screw writing a book, I want to make some real money. I’m writing a film script.”

“Yeah — well I guess this next scene won’t get past the censor.”

Danny laughed: “What scene’s that?”

“The one where we switch roles and I suck you dry.”

“Maybe we can’t film it but it certainly sounds like good background experience.”

I moved down the bed and sat cross legged in the middle of it. Danny knelt down in front of me. For a thin guy he had a hell of a big boner, with a smear of pre-come already seeping out of the slit. I licked my fingers and slowly rubbed the mixture of saliva and spunk into the smooth skin.

“Is this the peace pipe I have to smoke, Danny?”

“You don’t have to make it smoke, honey. Just make it very warm — and wet.”

“And then you’re going to fuck me with it?”

“I guess it’s the best thing I’ve got for the job.”

“You want to know something funny, Danny? When Ray was kissing me in the car park I thought nobody was around. I really wanted him to make me kneel down on the front seats and do me doggy style with my skirt up and my panties down. It would have been a real thrill — but I guess it would have been a big one for you as well if we’d done it then and there in front of the camera.”

“Don’t worry, you haven’t missed your chance. Only it’ll be you with bent over the chair in the security cubicle. Or maybe it’ll be in the locker room with a couple of the other guys watching. Start blowing me while I think about it.”

“Well, while you’re thinking about it, just remember that I’m your slave girl now. Anything you want me to do, I have to do it.”

He was thinking about it alright. He was twitching with excitement even before I started giving him his blow job. It’s just so easy to turn a guy on if he’s got some imagination. Grabbing them by the cock is easy, grabbing their mind often isn’t, not unless there’s something in there to work with already.

“I’ll find something for you to do, Kelly, count on it. I’ll find a way of putting your big fat ass out on the edge, even if I have to screw you in the middle of Central Park.”

That was what I wanted to hear. I wanted him strutting his feathers and the king of the world in his own mind. As long as I was getting him hot and bothered at every session he wouldn’t want to spoil the deal by telling tales to Ti or hitting me for money. Of course that wouldn’t last for ever but right now I needed some time to try to think a way through the situation, which was why I was really sucking up to him. And in a way I’d bet he’d never been sucked before.

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