Jenny White Feather

“What should I do?” Jenny forced herself to talk normally, despite what was happening between her legs.
“Has Feathered Eagle shown any interest?”
“No, he’s… strange,” her words were beginning to come in gasps as her loins grew hot.

“He’s a mixed spirit. His body is male, but his spirit is female. It is very common. Feathered Eagle would make a perfect mate. He can protect you and hunt for you, but he would never touch you since he only likes men. You can do the same, there are women who only like women, I could tell you of three. Keep the name of Jenny White Feather to let the camp know how you feel about men, they will respect your wishes.”

Jenny massaged her clit faster. The liquid sound of her finger rotating in her clit was loud, even over the sound of the quiet river. Fire filled her loins and her ass. She slid one hand up to cup her firm little breast. She was tempted to bend down and suck the nipple, but didn’t want to act inappropriately in front of her mother.

Jenny clamped her lips together, trying to show the restraint that the Indians showed, even in the throes of orgasm. She knew Broken White Feather was having an orgasm because she tended to open and close her legs slightly while coming. They both relaxed and washed their pussies again in the clear water. They sat naked like two water nymphs on the large flat rock, absorbing the late spring sunshine.

“What you say makes sense, mother. Can you asked Feathered Eagle for me?”
“Certainly, daughter, it’s my job with your father away. I suggest you seek out one of the special women tonight and see how it feels to love her. Perhaps Pink Grouse? I will speak to her also.”

“Pink Grouse is nice,” Jenny said with a smile. “She is very pretty and she smiles a lot.”
“Maybe she can get you to smile more often too, your smile is beautiful,” Broken White Feather said, placing a slender hand on Jenny’s leg. Jenny leaned down and put her head on Broken White Feather’s shoulder, wondering if she had the best mother in the entire world.

“Relax,” Pink Grouse said with a laugh. “You look like you are going to run.
“I am so excited, and frightened,” Jenny admitted. “This is my first time since I was captured. It was a horrible night.”
“I remember, your brother and several others forced you, didn’t they?”
“He’s not my brother,” Jenny said with a growl. “If I could end his life today, I would.”
“Oh, sorry. Well sit next to me. I’ve made a nice blackberry tea and birch sugar cakes,” Pink Grouse said in her sweet little voice.
“I’m honored,” Jenny said in awe, “you’ve gone to a lot of work.”

“I always do for my special friends,” she said with a beautiful smile. Jenny guessed that the cakes were made of ground cattail root and assorted nuts, mixed with a liberal amount of bear fat. Cooking removed most of the fat but left the cakes light and airy. The birch sugar on the cookies was very rare, Pink Grouse used little of it. Jenny was very impressed.

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